

We almost spent V-Day in the ER. Instead we spent the afternoon and evening before V-Day in the ER and spend today grateful, recovering and always, in love. Little Landon began wheezing around noon yesterday. Poor little thing was inconsolable and hardly breathing. A terrible, terrible combination. We called my darling mother who left her Cabaret practice (don't you love it?) to pick up Samara and we rushed Landon to Salem Hospital. He was diagnosed quickly with croup and treated with some steroids to work as an anti-inflammatory on his lungs and chest, as well as given a nebulizer. It was a rough afternoon for the poor little one. And a rough night. And a rough morning. But he is definitely going to be okay, and while he's not his smiley self, he's was flirting with the nurses before we were discharged from the hospital and has at least gone once or twice from utter misery to all giggles today. Thanks to everyone for the calls and messages and love. ER visits with infants are not high on our love list, but luckily we have plenty else that is. Happy Valentine's Day. I'll catch you up with the rest tomorrow... I'm off for some Dosch lovin...


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