Steve left for LAX early, early this morning. V-Day was kind of a no-go around here because Landon was so grumpy and uncomfortable, but we had a great weekend with our date and quality time and we know that romantic dinners gone cold and special glasses of wine gone untouched are just part of the deal with little ones. We'll forgive them. They're too cute not to. Before he left, before Landon melted down, he smiled on his dada's shoulder, his second favorite place after you-know-where. Love these two boys...
Sure do miss my hubby. He doesn't usually have to travel this much, but 2011 is going to be rough. At least 6 trips away from us. It's not that bad, and it's true what they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder, but it's hard not having his coming home to look forward to. He's the most helpful, loving, constant, generous, perfect man there is and well, how could you not miss that. xox
Super Dada
Posted by V.M.H.D at 3:16 PM
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