
Date night!

photo credit: sweet friend melic

Last night was date night. Oh, such a treat. I am so blessed with a hubby who still opens the car door for me (even standing up in the five foot snowdrift to do so), still likes to remember our first kiss and first dance, and still makes me feel like the luckiest gal around. We don't get to go out a whole lot, something we sure do hope to change in 2011, but when we do, it is just so terrific. And coming home to our smiling, jolly babies, gosh, how good can it get? It's like having it all - the joy and lovebirdedness of the way we were, coupled with the unity and energy of the now. One day we'll get a proper date night where the kiddos are in bed when we're home and there are no babies rolling in our sheets, keeping us up ALL NIGHT (oh brother!) but for now, last night was just perfect and I'm grateful.


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