
Any day now...

At our appointment on Wednesday, Fernie made a prediction that Junior will be here in 10 days. Then he said, maybe more like the 20th, but we'll take either! It is so wonderfully exciting now! I've been having what I now know are contractions. Very sharp, doubling-over type pains, mostly really low, sometimes into my hips. They usually come in the evenings and persist until I fall asleep. I get a few during the day and have frequent sensations that my water is bursting, but so far, it's all just play...a little taste of what's to come. I am so curious for all that lies ahead, besides the tremendous excitement bursting from my heart. I feel like I'm about to hike up the most incredible mountain in the world and see something more beautiful and life-changing than I have ever imagined. I know it'll be hard, but I can't wait to be there in the delivery room, with my amazing husband by my side, as we meet our little one. I hope I make them both proud... The last day of classes was Friday and I made it! There's still a week of exams and I plan on going in when I can, but I'm glad to have fulfilled my duty at school, to my lovely students and to now be ready to be a full-time Mama. We are so, so lucky... We're going out on another Saturday night date tonight. Could this be our last weekend ever as 'single-parents'? How much we love our time together, but how remarkable that soon we will be three, forever. It is so exciting waking up each day and wondering... Your prayers are so much appreciated!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh it suddenly seems so soon and imminent, so so exciting! Will be praying for you all lots - so glad the journey into school is pretty much over. Rest lots and keep me informed of everything! All my love, Harriet xxxx

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