

With less than 3 weeks to go, it is safe to say we are totally consumed with anticipating D-Day. I wish it could be today, tomorrow, or very, very soon. We just had our second long weekend in a row and we just can't help thinking that everything is going to be so much more fun, and meaningful, when our little one is here. Steve is going to be the world's best Daddy to this little one. We are both so convinced that this is a boy, I don't know why. One day, I long to experience both a girl and boy, but truly, whatever this little one is will be the greatest gift! But boy, this waiting time is tough! Baby is putting on an ounce every day now which is a lot! I certainly feel very heavy and my hands, face and legs do suddenly seem swollen. I still have my rings on and can still wear shoes, two luxuries I know not all 37 weekers are afforded, but they are tight! At several points during the night I usually wake up feeling something like Lance Armstrong after completing the Tour de France. Pain! I feel like baby is low, just an inch or two up from the air, but still no sign of a head! Yesterday and today, he/she has been very quiet, but still moving here and there. I am told that this can be seen a sign of imminent labor, as baby is lodged in the birth canal, conserving energy for the trip, but of course I am looking for websites that say that. We have an appointment with Fernie tomorrow, who had to cancel our Saturday appointment because his 3rd son was born (!) and I am hoping to get news of superb dilation, effacement and positioning!
We started a baby pool and majority is overwhelmingly saying it's a boy - bald with blue eyes, 21" and 7.3lbs, to be exact! We have been very amused by all the entries and look forward to a winner soon! Please enter at: http://bebepool.com/svdosch
We are so glad to be in June now and just can't wait to update you all with photos and news. Please send tips on labor, if you have them, and whatever else occurs to you. Between our crazy, sometimes disturbing Sala de Maternidad and The Baby Whisperer, we are hoping to find a happy medium...


Whitney said...

Hey girl - you're almost there! You may be right about little movement being a sign of upcoming labor. About 2 or 3 days before Micah was born I went into OB Triage because I was worried that he was not moving. He was fine, but he sure did show up soon thereafter! The best labor tip I can give you is to make yourself breathe through the contractions instead of tensing up. This is hard to do sometimes, but it really helps! MUCH LOVE AND PRAYERS!

Sara said...

I so excited for you three!!! Awe. You will be such a sweet mama. Love you, and praying for you as you finish the homestretch!!

Whitney said...

Hehe, oops! I just filled out your baby pool thing and accidentally guessed the due date to be Aug 1st!!! I meant to guess July 1st. I wouldn't wish you to wait until August for anything!

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