
Waiting on the World to Change...

It's June 11th, a lovely day for a birthday, don't you think? Squirrel's birthday on the 6th has passed us by. Today is my grandparents' 59th anniversary, tomorrow is Steve's grandparents' 60th! The 19th is Papa's birthday, then comes Henry's birthday and our own anniversary... No offense to us young-ins, but we're rooting for la tercera edad. We are off to Fernie's this afternoon for a monitoring session of the baby's heart and my contractions. I had one of these before and it's quite fun really, being strapped into a bed with two belts and lots of baby beating around you. I'm excited! We are also hoping to have a tour of the hospital and a date with the anesthesiologist, as they recommend everyone does, just in case. It's all go now! The bag is packed, well, I should say, suitcase. We don't have much to go on here, just an L.L. Bean backpack that I've had since I was in 4th grade, or our international wheelers, and so because I think there is still a little sour power sugar floating in the former, I opted for the wheels. It's amazing how quickly you can fill a bag with adorable baby gear. Plus, we have to take all our own wipes, diapers, towels and things with us to the hospital. Once back in Boston, we'll get an beautiful baby bag, but for now, considering we are still relying on public transport, this is very practical. I've lost a couple of pounds over the past two days. I don't have much of an appetite for some reason. But, I gather this is normal. Baby is still on the quiet side and my bump is still rather perky, but each hour brings us closer. The kids are most disappointed that my water didn't break in the middle of class, so I gather, but after my not-so-outstanding role as an adolescent health instructor at Tower, I think it's best they get these lessons elsewhere. I'm excited for our appointment and so anxious for all that lies ahead. It's totally bizarre being so out of control of your own body and not even being able to tell, give or take a few weeks, when a 7-pound something will make its exit, but I'm learning to let go, and feeling more and more blessed every day.


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