
Life is Good

Everything has been just wonderful. Spring flowers are all a-blooming, the sun is getting warmer and warmer (Marina and I scored nice tans last weekend!) and beach visits are a daily occurrence once more. Yesterday we bought a double stroller from a friend of a friend and I LOVE IT. It's a jogging stroller, that I never had with Samara, but just looking at it makes me want to go running round the Neck. Now, that's some stroller. I have high hopes for after this little one is born! I took Samara on a walk alone in it today and it pushes so gloriously. Soon there will be another babe next to her! I am trying to refrain from letting her bring her much adored baby dolls along, as I have bigger plans for that seat! It is getting so close now. Just 7 weeks to go. I think at this point, the excitement is starting to merge with major anxiety. I remember everything about Samara's birthstory so vividly, the beauty, but also the fear and pain. I know that it will be different here, for one, if we have to have another emergency c-section, Steve can be with me and I should get some anesthetic, but I'm definitely getting nervous. People never talk about this part, but I am grateful for a few good friends who assure me my sometimes sick-t0-my-stomachness just barely allowing myself to think abou it is not unique. Not helping things is the fact that on Monday we have to go back to Mass General for another Level 2 ultrasound, like we did back in January. It sure would be nice not to have this, but we're full of prayers and faith that all will be well and we'll take this as another chance to see our little one. Our little one, whom I should say, is not so little, methinks! Well, certainly compared to Samara. Sleeping, sitting, getting comfortable, finding room enough in my belly for baby and dinner, all of those are way harder than I remember, and that's saying something considering we slept on a pull-out couch throughout our time in Colombia! Anyway, the days tick by. I love this time of year and Samara is her most fun and enjoyable yet. It's quite unfathomable to think I'll have to share my time and hugs and energy between her and her little brother or sister, but I know amazing women do this (and way more) every day of the year, and I guess I've heard your heart and hands just multiply in size. All of that said, I'll still appreciate any help and advice I can get. Hallelujah for my own Mummy who is just a couple blocks away! Anyway, please keep baby D2 in your prayers this Monday morning and start booking your summer getaways to come and see us in what's bound to be a crazy, happy and beautiful season!


Ali Foley Shenk said...

Baby is coming so soon!! Prayers for tomorrow. Keep us posted. :)

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