
Happy Dosch's

Yesterday Steve and I celebrated our third anniversary. Truth is, I can't remember a time we weren't together. We've had so much happen in the past three years... six homes, nine different jobs, many countries visited, many obstacles overcome, and best of all, Samara! It's hard to explain, but everytime I look at her I feel such joy and pride that she is ours. That it is our love and commitment that made her life. It really is astounding. How lucky we are to know love this real. How incredible it is that a little angel may have the best and quirkiest of us... It was so fun to go out on a date last night and celebrate us. I just love our anniversary. I feel so lucky to share a day with him, a day that is only ours. Mummy and Daddy babysat Samara, which they all love, and we had a lovely dinner and trip to the lighthouse. Samara went to bed as soon as we all got home so we were able to have a nice glass of wine and relaxed night... so different from our last anniversary when Samara was 12 days old and due to my C-Section complications I still couldn't walk! We are so happy and know that the years ahead will only get better.

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