Samara went to the most enchanting birthday party on Sunday. A Princess party. It was simple, joyful, pretty and pink! A real live Rapunzel even came. Samara was a year or two younger than the other girls, and was shy to start but limbo-ing and laughing so much by the end. It was the perfect afternoon, her first big-girl's party, and a special Sunday with lovely friends.

I have fallen in love with this sequence of photos of the birthday girl and her mother. Oh if you could have just seen them. Beautiful and pure, their adoration and excitement over those four fuchsia candles was so very real you could feel your eyes welling up with tears just watching them. They are two of the nicest, most gentle souls you could imagine. Two birds of a fairy feather.

And here is the light on my little girls' fluffy , still baby-wisped locks. God, I love her. I didn't get a picture of her all in costume, the flowers in her hair, the sparkles on her shoes, pretty much only because I was just too smitten to look away and get my camera. I have no idea where this beauty of a child, in and out, came from, but I she blows me away.
And that night, all we heard was 'happy birthday to j...' on repeat, while wishes of princess chasing balloon stories filled our home. Our new thing is telling stories as they are happening. Like when we're tickling Landon on the floor before bathtime, Samara says, "tell me a story about when we made Landy laugh too much and the stars were in the sky." It's a pretty fun way to live, especially if I'm so in love with the moment that I can't break away to get my Canon or Flip. Telling it like a story cements it in our hearts forever. Telling it like a story makes me think fairy tales are real.