
February MORE 2011

Oh little man.... How I will miss these days when you were small enough to fit under the kitchen cupboards, just barely bigger than our blender standing tall, and the drewl looked so darn cute rolling down your chin. I let you shake and hold things you really shouldn't, eat everything way too soon, stay up way too late, nurse way too often, be tickled basically all the time. Sorry about that. But, you are so stinking happy, the absolute picture of health and joy, and I couldn't help it. Dada wants you to sleep in your own bed, but you look too crazy cute snuggled up between us, under the big duvet, for me to oblige. Sammy wants you to play hide and seek already in her flimsy Dora tent. You do even though you can't even crawl yet. Those rolling thighs are quite heavy, I imagine. We all want to know you more and more, but you show us every day just how crazy happy and goofy you are. We hit the jackpot, all over again. My Landy-Pandy (Dada hates that, too!) My little man.

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