
Super Daddy


I mentioned I'd been busy with my photography. That's a fact. In the past month, I've complete 55 photoshoots. Insane. A lot of good has come from the craziness, mind you, beyond the pretty pictures I hope lots of families will toss around their homes, let their toddlers finger-print, and frame on and off for different seasons of the year. As I photograph these picture perfect families, I fall more and more in love with my own. Sometimes I see us through a photographic lens. We may not be flawless, or stunningly beautiful (well, two of us are, I think!) but I just love us. And most of all, I just love the one who made us possible... Steve. As I type his name, I hear Sammy saying it, as she has recently started for laughs, or yelling 'baaaaaaaaybbbbeeeeeeeee' at him from the bath or other room...ha! (She is the master of imitation, a genius of spelling - yes, she knows all of her alphabet and many words that start with each letter!!) I was surely blessed with a gem of a husband and a man. He is giving and selfless beyond my comprehension, loving to a fault, a get-down-on the floor, no matter how broken the back, how rough the day, how tedious the game kind of daddy who is simply adored, a take the baby, do the laundry, always kiss my wife first kind of man. He's going away tonight...four nights apart. Our longest by a long stretch. I am not quite sure I can do this all on my own. You see, he's pretty unique, and he does a WHOLE lot. Single parenting, even for a day, is really, really hard. S.B., if you're reading this, I love you so, so much...
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Anonymous said...

Just want to say what a great blog you got here!I’ve been around for quite a lot of time, but finally decided to show my appreciation of your work! Thumbs up, and keep it going!

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