So, so tired! It's Friday tomorrow. Hooray. Yes, every day feels like the weekend now, but my mind still finds a way to race its way away at night. We were worried Samara had this horrific stomach bug today, but she was only sick twice and her spirits are crazy high. No dairy, well, really no food all day, so we're hoping for a clean run tonight. Clean... yes. Cause doesn't that smell of baby's sick just linger on? A few weeks ago, we were all so sick, it was horrendous. It feels like we are just finally all better again, so today was a bit of a blow, leading to my crazy tiredness tonight, but if you could see Sammy, you'd never know a thing, nor that she was run over by Finny today at her little school. She's amazing, that girl. Talking up a storm now, and way more animated than I'll ever be, she keeps us on our toes and in hysterics...a lot. 8:16pm now. Zzzzzz....
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