We are off at the crack of dawn tomorrow. Thank goodness the blizzard is arriving mid-morning. For some blessings and allowances, we can only say... WOW! For other things, we grow strong and more capable than we ever dreamed. Samara is better now, thank goodness, but her ears started running (think toddler nose running) on Sunday and she now has ear infections. Poor little thing. We spent all of yesterday afternoon at the doctor's office. Tonight is our last one with her before 5 days apart. Having never had a single night away, the thought of that seems quite overwhelming right now. My dear parents will watch her as we embark on this incredible journey with these terrific students of mine. I came down with a sinus infection myself last night, and feel quite rotten, but have a doctor's appointment at 4:30pm today. A non-OB doctor's appt. When on Earth did I last have one of those? (What's wrong with these last days of preparation?). I have faith that somehow, these months and months of endless calls and forms and plans will all come together, we will be watched over on our journey and in a little more than a few deep breaths, we will all be home together, I will just be Samara's Mummy, a hardworking, quiet type who happens to be 6 months pregnant and could really, really do with a couple hours of sleep, but will be every so glad to see the back of this winter and the dawning of the sun on our tired little faces. Cuban sun, oh, that will be majestic, too, but this is far from a holiday. We are taking 11 cases of medical supplies and goods to distribute while there and the excitement and depth within the hearts of the 9 kids we are taking makes it all far more than worthwhile in the end. Wish us well, please, please. It is not an easy trip, and Lord knows, I'm leaving half of my own heart behind. If you see my little one, give her a huggle from me. Hasta la vista...
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Oh Victoria, I didn't get a chance to comment until you had already gone. I hope you are feeling better and Samara too...You are such a good person and such a great Mom and everything will be just fine :) Good and safe trip to you and maybe enjoy the Cuban sun just a little and maybe get those couple of hours of sleep that you most defnitely could use. Miss you and can't wait to catch up when you get back.
xo Jennifer
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