
♥in' our OB

Months ago, when I knew we wanted to have another baby and we'd moved back to Marblehead, I started asking friends for recommendations for a great OB/GYN. Over and over again I got the same name, Dr. Coffey. Today, I join the official club of his great big (and getting bigger) fans. As I sat in his office and grew teary-eyed as we went through the results of the bloodwork and most recent scan, he gave me tissues, patted by hand and left me feeling like all is not disasterous, in fact, all will be well. High risk - what is that even? Well, I'll tell you. It's a 1 in 44 chance. You might say that's not so bad. Barely more than 2%. But let's face it, if it was the lottery, and these were happy odds, you'd play. He shed a lot of light on all of our imperfect results, but left me more hopeful than this time yesterday, and less afraid of Monday. I'm going to do the very best I can to keep our little one safe and healthy. Gosh, some moments it feels like oh too great of a miraculous responsibility for a simple, sometimes scared girl like me, but I will. I didn't know how today would go, but how grateful I am for a kind and compassionate doctor, with a good amount of grey to give you faith. Another day closer. Baby D2 is 19 weeks old.


Squam Hill Design said...

I am so glad your Doctor's visit was reassuring. What a lucky baby to have such a wonderful Mom :) Come on Monday! Get here fast!!!
xo Jennifer

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