
Just me

I just walked in from my first alone bike ride quite possibly since I was 16. Samara was up all night last night with her molars coming in, poor thing, and so slept right through her playdate (that I exhaustedly forgot and also fell asleep for) this morning... (so sorry, J&L) and then was a trooper all afternoon. By 5:30 though, she just couldn't stay awake one more minute and so the three of us had a quick pasta dinner together (Steve came home early at 5:00, as he, aussi, didn't sleep a wink) and then Samara went to bed. Having been cooped up all day in the house, while Samara slept from 8:00-12:30 this morning, and then waiting for the hot tub buyers to take and transfer the beast (YES! It's gone! We have twice the deck space!) it felt so good to escape on my bike this evening while Steve did a little work from home and guarded our little one. You know, except for the odd one hour gym class on a Sunday morning, I am NEVER EVER alone, and well, I guess that isn't alone either. Every now and then, you just need to be quiet...need to feel like you're not in a rush for someone, surrounded by words, responsible for so very much. Even our unlatching bathroom doors don't stay shut, though I'll admit that seeing Sammy D poke her cheeky nose around the shower curtain is never not welcome. But tonight, it was just me. I didn't go far, maybe 3-4 miles, but I stole this gorgeous shot of our neighborhood, in case I needed one more reminder of why we're so gosh-darn lucky. I also delivered a couple of sun-warm, ripe tomatoes to my parents down the road and while they were touched and excited by the dinner addition, it felt so strange to be there without my baby girl. Funny that... Anyway, enjoy the painted sky and sparkling, setting sun here and please, come and share it with us soon. Along with alone time, sometimes a girl just needs to have a cuppa with a good, good friend...

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Harriet Smith said...

Love you V :)

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