
8 hours of sleep and something new everyday.

Samara slept 8 hours again - hooray! We had a great time at the baby group yesterday and met some new friends. We've also discovered that she likes the TV! We had thought it was just Bill Clinton's womanizing ways as she totally silenced her wailing when he came on the screen the other night at the DNC but now we realize it's all things bright and beautiful! She also is learning to love her Baby Bjorn carrier which is wonderful. I love carrying her in it and it's a relief to my baby. She's only 10.5lbs, but 16 hours straight of anything can be a strain! She's still petite, but so very alert and clever! One lady in Marshalls bizarrely said yesterday..."I buy roast beef bigger than her." People are weird! But the good news is, Samara loves Marshalls!


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