
Tears of all sorts...

Now this really would be a great day for a delivery... Father's Day 2008. Junior was kind enough to give Steve his first Daddy's gift, a Colombian national soccer shirt, this morning, but so far, he's playing coy. We're going to go out for dinner tonight and with either Mexican or Chinese on the menu, I don't plan on avoided anything spicy. I haven't had any more contractions, but general consensus is that my bump is dropping. Baby is still quiet in there, but definitely well.
It has been a busy and emotional few days. On Friday, I had my last day at school. The students were lovely and though I know we won't look back once we're surrounded by family come July, I was genuinely sad to leave them. It has been quite a year of challenges, but I've learned a lot and once again found that the joy and wonder of teaching is not in a day's work, but in, as Thomas Carruthers said, making yourself progressively unnecessary. I will miss the vibrant beat and utter disorder of my students who tried so hard to work along side of me. In the end, it feels like it was all so much more than worthwhile. Luckily I didn't have to say goodbye to my closest colleagues at school as some of my great friends here had arranged a baby shower after school. Around 4, twelve of us gathered at Patricia's house and the laughter and good times ran free. For almost 6 hours, we talked babies and wonderful happiness and I was showered with so many beautiful gifts for our little one. The generosity of these women, who not only brought me into their lives, but made me a mother and a friend by their side, has made all the difference this year. Opening their gifts of thoughtfulness and excitement moved me to gushing tears and I know that our baby will feel their Colombian love long after we depart.
After a long day of wonderful celebrations and tenderness, returning home to the news that Tim Russert had suddenly passed away was shocking and terrible. Steve and I have long been great fans of his, watching him each and every Sunday, admiring his character and dedication and seeing him speak at BC a couple of times. 58 is so young and while his voice and laughter will echo on the television and in our minds for a long, long time, the world is short one incredible mind and one very decent human being.
Our baby pool is full and it seems unbelievable that some of the days are already past! Sorry guys. Those of us who are still interested in entering now have better odds! According to the predictions, the 17th and 23rd are the dates to watch... We wake up each morning with such anticipation. Mostly, we are asked daily about our nerves for the delivery, particularly as normal births are uncommon here, but our hearts are set on something far bigger. This time of wishing and hoping and waiting is certainly crazy, but if Baby is happy in there, we have to be glad. Everyone says to just enjoy this time as a couple and rest up, but we're just too excited...
So, happy father's day to all you fathers out there, young and old. I can't wait for my hubby to have his baby here to tell him himself what an amazing father he will be. I've known it, well, since that first snowy, and amazing blind date in his beloved green jeep. At least we know what junior's first toy car will be...


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