Yesterday evening, I was thrown a surprise baby shower by some friends from school. It was so touching and so fun to share the time with them. It was at Dolly's beautiful house and we enjoyed some traditional Colombian foods and lots of baby chatter. They do actually call them bebe chowas here! The bond between mothers is wonderful. Baby D was given some lovely new outfits, the softest baby blanket from Spain and lots of practical treats. I feel so spoiled, but as the girls reminded me, the gifts are not mine! I was so overwhelmed by their kindness and generosity and it was so fun to imagine our little one in all of these new clothes. Steve said it's better not knowing whether it's a boy or girl as this way we get so many different colors! The time is ticking now. It is too exciting!!
With Pilar
With my boss and old friend, Marisa
Coming soon to a baby near us...
Awww! How sweet! I am sure you had fun :-).
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