
What a Day!

It's 3:30am on Marina's birthday and we have a kicking baby to celebrate! Steve and I have been up for a couple of hours, with hands on my tummy enjoying every little outburst of birthday joy! It is so exciting. It is also SO hard to sleep. I simply can't find a good position and I can't help but be very envious of my 25 week pregnant friend, Jennifer, at Tower who just bought herself "an amazing" pregnancy pillow. Steve and I also splurged on Valentine's Day (after my Guacamole Aficionado Burger! Yummm...) and bought two new pillows and while they're good, it's not tailor-made for fatties like me. Anyway, I feel great, and we are so lucky, and woh... stop press.... I just had a splash of milk hit my tummy! This part is so weird! I have woken up to wet sheets twice this week. Note to all, week 21 is a happening one! My tummy has grown about 3 inches, I am definitely in maternity clothes and I have gushing milk ready and waiting! Wow! We leave in a few hours for Melgar, for some warmth, swimming and r&r and I can't wait. Maybe I can sleep on the bus...


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