No, no… Please don’t make me go! Back to school tomorrow, I mean. We’re being dragged off to some conference center 3 hours from the city so I have to be on the bus by 5am. Nothing like a harsh awakening! At least the days will be jam-packed and hopefully pass quickly to get us to June asap!
I’m starting to believe we’re having a boy. Maybe it’s all the girly girls on the Dosch side, making us the only hope for the survival of the Dosch clan, or maybe it’s all the old wives tales that somehow match up, but of the 4 vivid dreams I’ve had about our baby, 3 have been with a little boy. Here’s some of my supporting evidence: 1) I crave CITRUS like nothing else. This, according to many friends and websites is a sign of a male. Today we went to our favorite fruit and veg market, crossing the city, just to restock on oranges. We bought about 40 to get us through the week! Amusingly, or not so, on the 70mph amusement park ride home/Bogota’s buses, the bags tipped over and our oranges were skyrocketed throughout the vehicle. Luckily a couple of kind souls returned all but a few lost souls and thus we felt obliged to offer them one of these heavenly fruits as a token of our thanks. So, we’re down to about 34, but it’ll do. Truly, they are good as gold. To be honest, it’s not just citrus, but rather all things orange J Carrots, cantaloupe, clementines, cheez-its. Oh wait, now that I’m typing I realize, maybe it’s more the letter ‘C’… I also LOVE cranberry juice, cherries and Cadbury’s, but still HATE chicken. Oh for some of my favorites to be sold in
2) I have not broken out. Many friends in
3) This one just in, excuse me if it’s t.m.i… If your right breast gets bigger than your left, es un niño! So, that’s where we’re at.
Last night my dream consisted of Baby D. pressing his face against my tummy so well that we could see his exact profile. Very cheeky and very sweet. This morning I awoke to my bump moving ever so slightly. It’s amazing, and a little scary, that sometimes my bump is quite pronounced and other times it’s almost undetectable. It’s a bizarre roller-coaster of seeming pregnant to seeming chubby to seeming just me, but apparently all normal. We’ve done a ton of exercise since returning to our car-less, solitary existence. The weather has also been amazing so I’ve been getting junior his/her belated dose of vitamin D. From picnics to catch to 40 block walks, it feels good to have the time and energy to be out and about. Admittedly, my appetite has dwindled since the days of getting up to look in my parents’ fridge every ten minutes for a clementine, yogurt and glass of milk, but I’m holding my weight that is now about half way back to where I started back in September before baby most wonderfully took over my body. He/she is an amazing 6 inches now which is HUGE and I simply cannot wait to feel the kicks. A friend said playing bells into the belly via an Ipod is a good way to go! No Ipod here, but Steve can sure make some funky noises, especially in his sleep! We’ll let you know…
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