
Happy Holidays!

School’s out! WOOHOO!! But, first WOOHOO’s first… Our appointment on Wednesday was AMAZING. As you probably detected, I was a little nervous. I guess because baby D wasn’t moving for our last ultrasound, I started worrying. Also, Colombians have this terrible habit of telling you how wonderful it is you are having a baby and then proceeding with some horror story of a poor little baby who died in some devastating way. Plus, that Sala de Maternidad show probably isn’t helping much in convincing me my odds are good as every baby there is challenged so much. Just yesterday there was a baby born with his stomach and intestines outside his body. Unbelievable, but he lived! Anyway, we were looking for two things: the nuchal translucency, a collection of fluid under the skin at the back of a baby's neck, and a nose. In 80% of children with Downs syndrome, at 12-14 weeks, they have too much of this fluid and no nose yet developped. As I explained before, my feelings about the scan were a little mixed as the outcome wasn’t going to change (or even confirm) anything, but as a chance to see and hear our baby, off we went. It was amazing! Our baby has legs, arms, was dancing all over for us, and by George, a strong Dosch nose! We were so excited to see our baby developed and looking like a real, beautiful and perfect little one. It was such a magical moment. We got to hear the heartbeat again and the doctor said that everything looks perfect. What any mother wouldn’t pay to hear those words! According to the measurements of everything, I may be more like 13 weeks and a bit, rather than 12, which is exciting too! Anything that brings us closer to Junior’s birthday is good! I asked the doctor whether the head was on my right or left and he said… watch! With his finger, he gently prodded my right side and jiggle, jiggle went Junior’s head on my right. He did the same on the left and swim, swim when the legs on the left. Too funny! Steve sleeps on my right so I figure baby likes the sound of his snoring! And there’s more exciting news: I have a bump! Okay, so if you didn’t know it or me, you’ll just think I’d forgotten to do my crunches since, oh, about my wedding day, but I know it’s there and Steve and I are very happy with it! I’m hoping it’ll grow even more before our trip home on Wednesday!

So, yes, it is indeed a very happy holiday and it’s only just beginning. We have to go back to the doctor again today to find out more about my thyroid and to get my permission to travel, but it will be good to see Fernie Green again. For now, we are besides ourselves with excitement about having 1 month off school and being home in Boston with everyone SO soon. Life is so good.

Thank you for all of your good thoughts and support. We feel so blessed!


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