Hunger has struck! Everyday around 8:30 or 9, even after a good breakfast, if managed, I start to get really, really hungry. The usual food aversions have stuck, but anything with bread, meat or potatoes is usually good. I never thought, not least for these past three months, that I’d be craving a beef empanada for breakfast, but clearly this baby isn’t a vegetarian… sorry Andrew!
During the long hours and sometimes very uncomfortable waking moments of the day and night, my mind starts to wonder. Not just if this is a boy or a girl, or what his or her laugh will sound like to us, but sometimes you start thinking of silly things. Should I have more pain, should I have less? Should the gas and burping bother me more? Should I have a bump by now? Should I eat a grapefruit, because I can’t even find one? Next Monday we have our big scan to detect the nose and nuclear development. Sometimes I wonder what exactly the point of such a scan is. I mean, how many mothers would terminate their pregnancy with a hint of possible bad news. The results are only 60% accurate anyway. And what good will it do anyone to worry like mad for 6 more months about this small chance of imperfection, when while of course we all dream of it, we know it’s quite impossible. I long for the scan, as usual, to see and hear our baby and see how big he/she has got, and while I know to be told, once more, that everything is perfect would be…perfect, well, a mother is a worrier. We fly home in just 9 days! I realize
And so, the weeks go by. We have less than 200 days to go now! It seems like a lot, but with the applying for jobs, the dream of buying a home and tons of tons of excitement, the days pass. June will be here before we know it!
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