
Losing weight, but feeling great!

Mamma Hare, aka Bunny, visited last weekend and we broke the news to her immediately. Lots of jumping, tears and hugs! We woke Daddy, Bubbles, up that night and his first reaction was, “Wooh, when did that happen?” Very funny. We had a weekend full of talking babies and chatting from 5am until midnight. It was perfect. Saying goodbye until Christmas was so, so hard, but now we can properly get excited for the holidays. Sadly, Thanksgiving isn’t included in those, but I’m trying to figure out what I can muster up for Steve/stomach for junior’s first turkey day! I’ve been feeling a little better this week, but still without too much appetite. I never would have thought pregnancy would knock 10 pounds off of me, but Fernie says all is well and I have ‘reservas’… I hope he doesn’t mean like the whale. On Thursday I fell asleep at 7pm for the night and missed seeing Campbell Brown for the first time in 6 months, on CNN. She’s my favorite anchor of all time, who also happens to be preggers. So… I must keep better track of Campbell… At school yesterday, unbeknown to me, they published news of our pregnancy in the school bulletin. It’s early days, but truly the more happiness, support and prayers we can have, the better. The kids were so adorable though disappointed we haven’t yet picked out any names. I think Steve’s working on that as I lie passed out on the couch. Not to mention the other million things he’s up to while I’m here. He’s most definitely the most amazing esposo ever, I am so lucky. Although, he says he won’t tie my shoes for me until I’m showing… rats! We’ve starting making our round of international calls, from Bahrain to Bramhall and it’s so fun sharing our news. If we haven’t called you yet, it’s probably because you haven’t sent us your number or Skype is not always as cooperative as we would like. If your phone rings, however… it’s probably us!


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